| ATP News

2017 Governor General’s Literary Awards: a Celebration of Canadian Writers

With this month’s big announcement of the 2017 Governor General Literary Awards nominees came the exciting news of Michael Healey’s political comedy 1979, a script developed and premiered at Alberta Theatre Projects, having been nominated in the drama category!


| Helpful Information

ATP’s Recommends: Pre-Show Food and Dining

What better way to amp-up your theatre-going experience than by grabbing some delicious pre-show eats? Calgary boasts an embarrassment of riches when it comes to fantastic downtown restaurants in the theatre district, so which one do you choose? Well, we’ve got a few recommends to narrow your choice a little. Plus, hit any of these places up, and not only will you be treated to some incredible culinary creations, you’ll also be supporting restaurants who support ATP and share in our passion for bringing as much awesome as possible to Calgarians!


| To the Light

Virginia Woolf makes a comeback

As one of the most iconic female authors of the 20th century, Virginia Woolf has been a fixture on reading lists for English literature courses for decades. But lately she’s been spotted somewhere new: in popular entertainment.