The Adventures of ATPig!
During Alberta Theatre Projects’ Annual Tweet Night on Tuesday, November 21 wherein both audience members and artists tweeted live from the Martha Cohen Theatre during the first preview performance of Charlotte’s Web, a fresh new face took over the ATP Twitter and Instagram feed: ATPig! In case you missed it, here’s what ATPig shared on Tweet Night:

“Hi all! Allow me to introduce myself: I am ATPig. I’m going to show you the backstage world of Charlotte’s Web!”

“I can hear the audience out there! I can’t wait for all my barn friends to meet you!”

“Earlier I was hanging with our wonderful musician Ethan Cole.”

“Maybe I can help the stage carpenter tonight on the fly rail?”

“Look! I got to warm up with Charlotte!”

“We are ready! Enjoy the show!”

“Life’s so good with friends like Wilbur!”

“Ready for a quack change? That’s a ‘quick change’ for a Goose.”

“Charlotte’s first web is out!”

“‘People will believe anything they read on the web.’ The second web is in and Wilbur and Charlotte are ‘Terrific, Terrific, Terrific!'”

“Phew, bringing all these webs is tiring. Glad this one secured our spot at the county fair! I love backstage :-)”

“Look! I’m hanging with the goslings during intermission.”

“Signing off for Act 2! It’s a busy one. Enjoy the rest of the performance!”
To keep up with ATPig this holiday season, be sure to follow the Alberta Theatre Projects’ Twitter and Instagram feeds.
Learn more about ATP’s 2017 Holiday Show Charlotte’s Web HERE!